Channel D Help File

Main features and notes:

Channel D is an online radio simulator that allows cadet and staff to practice operating procedures, is not meant to entirely replace radio communications.

It can be used in place of real radios where equipment is not available, or when stations are not within range of others.

Use channel D as you would any other radio system, use it for radio exercises, cadet training, anything that you would use a normal radio for.

The system can be used for radio operator assessments, this allows units to use assessors from anywhere else in the country.

The program uses your browser settings to access the microphone and headset/speakers. If you have changed these from the defaults then the program may appear to function incorrectly.

Wing channels cover all of the units within your Wing.

Region channels cover all of the units within your Region.

Delta channels act like national VHF channels

HF channels act like global HF channels.

Other custom channels may be added during exercises.

Some channels may be connect to real radios, when these are online the display will show the real radio channel.

Error Messages:

The following error messages may be seen on the screen.


To register as a user and get an access code, contact your Region Radio Officer.

To use multiple callsigns on a unit, EG MRP21A, MRP21BT etc, you do not need to register all of them.

You can use the same login multiple times. The limit is currently set to 5.

If you close down a browser without turning off the radio it may stay registered for up to 5 minutes. This will use up 1 of your 5.



Make sure you have a headset with microphone connected.

Click the orange button to switch on. It will not turn on without login details being entered.

Use Vol+ and Vol- to change the volume.

Use the CH buttons to move up and down single channels.

After changing channel you must click Tune to use that channel. The LED above it will flash to remind you.

TUNING displayed on screen >40 Secs may mean the server cannot find a good route to your PC. It may also mean that your Browser is not compatible. Open the developer console, see browser help, and look for any messages in red. Please report these using the system detailed at the bottom of this page.

PTT is the space key on the keyboard (when the browser is the active screen) or the left mouse button when over PTT on the screen. You can wire a PTT switch across the space bar on the keyboard for external PTT.

PTT will not work until you have tuned to a channel.

Optionally, you can use the 'Status' section to broadcast your status. EG. 'Blue level assessments', or an exercise name. It updates the 'Whos On' page when you tune to a channel.

Who's On:

The Who's On list tells you which stations have recently tuned to a channel.

There is no guarantee that they are still on the channel.

email with any questions regarding policy of operating on Channel D.

email about any additions or changes to this manual.